Friday, October 7, 2011

Temple Trip

Christine, Jamie, McKinney, Laura (me)

Myself and Amanda at the Washington D.C. Temple
Last night the young men and young women had the opportunity to go and do baptisms for the dead (learn more here) in the Washington D.C. Temple . The Temple was looking as beautiful as it always does, and the it was lit up so beautifully.

Yesterday was my sister Amanda's first time ever doing baptisms for the dead by proxy. I am glad I was there with her. She was very excited and somewhat nervous. She had a great time and was very glad she went. I know she has a strong testimony if the Gospel of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, and in Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Ghost.  Today her friend invited her to go to her church, however Amanda didn't want to go, before I could ask her why she said "I know that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is true." She then expressed how she didn't want to offend her best friend. I told her that she could say we have a Family outing, or even she is not feeling well or up to a sleepover & (her friends) church. Or even that she can't go at all, because she has to clean her room. Amanda just shrugged said I don't know what to do and left. When mom came home, Amanda told her about her dilemma and began to cry. I could see that her strong faith in Christ and her love for the gospel made it hard for her to even think about going (even for one day) to another church. I am very proud that my sister has a testimony, and that she came to me for help. It reminded me of my role as an older sibling, and how much the Gospel can affect your life. I am very grateful for my sister Amanda. And I too have a testimony of this gospel and of the temple, and Christ's love for us.
And I write these things in the name of Jesus Christ

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