Saturday, July 13, 2013

Girls Camp is almost here, and I've gone crazy!

Despite the fact that I just graduated high school, I was made a cabin mom instead of YCL. You could see how this would shock me, but with the encouragement of the camp director I agreed to take on this role. Here are some of the handouts I have prepared for girls camp.

This years theme for the camp is S.M.I.L.E, Spiritually Minded Is Life Eternal. And each day has their own mini themes. Here they are
Monday: I'm a Mormon, I know it, I live it, I love ----Happiness comes as we live the gospel
Tuesday: Service
Wednesday: Self Confidence
Thursday: Listen to the Spirit
Friday: ?

And this kinda comes down to a challenge of mine, I being a college student, was on a really tight budget I decided to see if I could get everything for girls camp for $20 or less...

Here is Mondays hand out:

I found this image online [here] and then I printed it using shrinky dinks, to make a charm.
Pack of Shrinky Dinks with coupon = $9.40*
*note I already owned the Shrinky Dink Sheet so I did not count them as part of the $20 for camp.


Here is Tuesdays hand outs:

Pinterest is a LIFE SAVER! I found this handout on pinterest, originally from here, I just got two packs of fun colored socks at walmart. The best part is they have smiley faces on them! Perfectly matching the theme of S.M.I.L.E! I love this little handout I found, it has a quote from president Monson about service.

 Cost of 12 socks= $8

I also made these using Shrinky Dinks, it is another charm, but this one says "Secret Service" It is just a small reminder that we need to serve. 


 Here is Wednesdays hand outs:

First off, I found these nifty bracelets at Wal-Mart for 50 cents.

Don't believe me? BAM!
They are just a good reminder we are daughters of God.
8 Bracelets= $4
I also made these, they say "Be YOU tiful"

Here is Thursdays hand out:


 It is a charm of an ear to remind them to "listen" to/for the Holy Ghost.
I am also giving them glow sticks to remind them to shine,

with a quote similar to one of these two
3 packs of Glow Sticks = $3

 from here

Total Cost without Shrinky Dinks=

 Cost of 12 socks= $8
8 Bracelets= $4
3 packs of Glow Sticks = $3
2 bags of starburst = $4
Plastic bags = $1
Elastic for charm bracelets= $2
Goal Total = $20 Grand Total= $22,
$2 over budget-----verdict, Good Job!!

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