Thursday, August 30, 2012

Scripture Journals

Pin It This is Shannon from The Red Headed Hostess, she has many, many, many ideas on how create a scripture journal. As well as lot's of other church related ideas. -Laura Singleton

1 comment:

  1. HI Laura,

    This is the first place I could find to comment...I happened to stumble upon your blog when I searched for Personal Progress and Girl Scouts-- I am a Girl Scout Employee in Utah and am trying to put together information on Girl Scouts and Young Womens and how they work together. I am also having local girls write of their experience and trying to get an article together for a couple magazines-- I would love to have experiences outside of Utah too! I know this is completely random, but if you would like to help with this and contribute your thoughts, I would love for you to email me- Thanks! Ashley Picard, Membership Recruitment Coordinator- Girl Scouts of Utah
