Monday, December 19, 2011

On the 19th day of Christmas, and tutorial

December 19th
Today's Goal: Accept the gift of forgiveness. Pray to Heavenly Father about some weakness and ask for help in repenting of it.

Reading: Doctrine and Covenants 19:16-19
16 For behold, I, God, have suffered these things for all, that they might not suffer if they would repent;
 17 But if they would not repent they must suffer even as I;
 18 Which suffering caused myself, even God, the greatest of all, to tremble because of pain, and to bleed at every pore, and to suffer both body and spirit—and would that I might not drink the bitter cup, and shrink—
 19 Nevertheless, glory be to the Father, and I partook and finished my preparations unto the children of men.

Song: How great thou art, hymn #86

Hey ladies! (HERE is a tutorial on how I study gospel topics on
So here is today's blog post.  I thought I'd show you how I follow through with the prompts for the 25 days of Christmas, and how you can too!

I don't know if you have ever been to the youth page on
BUT, it is awesome for studying gospel topics. Speaking of which, there is a gospel topics page off of the youth page. Here it is.

Just click on the letter your topic begins with.
so my topic is "forgiveness." So I'll click the F.
 Since my topic is Forgiveness, I'll have to scroll down.
 When I click on the gospel topic I want to learn about, a new page is opened. Here is a brief summary of Forgiveness.
Let me show you a little more.

 You'll find after the summary a section called Additional Info. It contains more explanation as well as scripture references.
 There is also a View more button, again this site is awesome for learning and creating lessons.
 Scroll down a little more and you'll find a section called church magazine articles relating to your topic. Most of the time there will be pictures (like the one shown by a green box.) Again, there is most likely a view more button.
Scroll down to the bottom and you will find 2 things a section called additional study materials, containing lessons from things like young women's, relief society, young men's, Single ward....ect. And you will also find a link for your topic to take you to the guide to scriptures .

Now is the part that will help YOU learn. If you have a account I suggest you log on. 
When you get back to the top of the article you will find a column on the right hand side that says print & share. Go ahead and share it or print it if you want to.

 Next is the part that is great.
So if you click on an article of a scripture  you should have your study notebook bar on the bottom of your screen. if not log on.

 You can do a whole lot with my study notebook.
Let me show you what you can do when you highlight a quote or scripture.
First highlight what you want with your mouse. A box will pop up, choose your highlight color.

 You can share the quote by clicking share and your preferred way of sharing.
 Or you can bookmark it (you can also do this with out highlighting a specific quote.) by clicking bookmark. you can add detail, and a label or tag. as well as put it in a specific "folder." Once you book mark your quote or scripture a red tag appears on the left of the page. ( like in the picture below.)
 You can add a journal entry (you can also do this with out highlighting a specific quote.) by clicking journal entry. type up your thoughts and what you have to say, add a tag or label, and click the folder you want it to go to. I am sending mine to the forgiveness folder.

What to do when you are finished tagging and writing journal entry's.
Click on Notebook (the last option on the grey bar) and it will take you to the page below.

This is where you can organize your thoughts
I want to open my forgiveness notebook, (look where the green arrow is.)  I can see the articles I bookmarked and all my journal entry's by looking at "Types" shown by red arrow. It will show the number of entry's for both. Lastly, you can click your tags. shown by yellow arrow. I suggest when you study you tag things according to what you want to find out.
Example of tags: {For learning about forgiveness}
How, {How to forgive, and how to be forgiven}
When, {When do we need to forgive}
Where, {N/A}
Why, {Why is it important to forgive}
What, {for you to decide.}

And when you journal you write your opinions and thoughts.

Okay now to printing. Once you have everything you can arranging the labels{by clicking on the post in the column under the search bar, and drag them} , then just click print. WA- LA! 

 Here is what one of the Journals I made with my sister using LDS.or looks like. The Gospel Topic was prayer.

  • To access study notebook again click tools.
  • Print in B&W save your ink. 
  • Repeat process
  • Add what you learn in your Topics journal from The Red Headed Hostess
    • Keep & take what you learn with you in a bound version
    • You can find the topics journal for guys & girls HERE! 
    • Here is what the girls journal looks like 
      •  Cute Right! You can find Gospel Topic Suggestions Here.
 Thanks, Laura

P.s if you want a great Christmas movie on Forgiveness watch Home Alone.
During and After the movie ask your self, family or class:

How easy would it be to forgive your mom for leaving you home alone?
How do you forgive her?
How could you forgive yourself for ever leaving your kid alone?
Was Kevin able to forgive his family?
What should they do next?

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